Malteser Albania is an Albanian NGO. It is established by the Malteser Hilfsdienst in Germany and operates in Albania since 1995. With its headquarter in Shkodra its activity is focused on medical, social and civil protection fields.
Malteser Albania has about 100 active members who serve on the voluntarily bases. The youth group is also involved and it includes youngsters aged 14 – 18. The volunteers are trained by the organization and are able to take responsibilities in the fields the organization operates. They are the vital body of Malteser Albania and success is dedicated to them.
Malteser Albania is part of Order of Malta’s worldwide relief service. It is created and serves based on the experiences of Malteser Germany. It is always committed based on Christian values and the humanitarian principles to help people in need.
As through centuries Malteser Albania is developed and grown with and inspired by the slogan “Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum” – “Defense of the Faith and assistance to the poor and the suffering”. Malteser Albania policy is to support people throughout Albania, through sustainable service, programs and its relief services.
Malteser Albania is committed to secure a better future for the population in need by delivering services to them, involving positive potentials of the society and enhancing the economic well-being combining target group abilities with best expertise of Malteser Albania staff and volunteers.