Pas një aplikimi tek European Solidarity Corps, Organizata Shqiptare e Urdhrit të Maltës është vlerësuar me Etiketën e Cilësisë (Quality Label) për rolet mbështetëse dhe mikpritëse për projektet vullnetare në kuadër të programit European Solidarity Corps e vlefshme kjo deri më 31.12.2027.
In accordance with the Guide of the European Solidarity Corps, the Quality Label is awarded to the organisation “Organizata Shqiptare e Urdhrit të Maltës/The Albanian Organisation of the Order of Malta (Malteser Albania).” Our organisation is granted the Quality Label for the support and host roles. Hosting is limited to up to 5 volunteers at the same time in your organisation, either as individuals or volunteering teams, both of these only for short-term placements, including participants with fewer opportunities (social, economic, geographical obstacles, cultural differences, and barriers linked to education). The awarded quality label is valid for the entire duration of the program until 31 December 2027.